Suit-Able for Deep Space
Designed to withstand temperatures ranging from 240°F above zero (115°C) to 240°F below (-151°C), the Mark III space suit undergoes testing in the Johnson Space Center's lunar yard. With its rear-mounted life-support system attached, the suit weighs a ponderous 300 pounds (136 kilograms). This weight melts away in weakened gravity, however, and astronauts somersault and hand-walk with underwater ease. |
Coliseum Exploration
Archaeologist Cristiano Ranieri descends into a 2,000-year-old sewer that runs below the Colosseum.
Three years ago Ranieri found another layer of drainage systems lying even farther below this
sewer-a discovery that solved a mystery. Based on early written accounts, it was long suspected that ancient Romans flooded the Colosseum during its earliest years to re-create epic naval battles for public entertainment. But no one knew how such vast quantities of water got in or out. Ranieri says the Romans could have used this deeper, older, and much larger water system to flood and drain the great arena.
Closely related to crabs and shrimp, this ten-legged crustacean has become a delicacy over time as overfishing of commercially important lobster species chips away at the global population. Lobsters are ten-legged crustaceans closely related to shrimp and crabs. These benthic, or bottom-dwelling, creatures are found in all of the world’s oceans, as well as brackish environments and even freshwater.They have poor eyesight
but highly developed senses of taste and smell. They feed primarily on fish and mollusks, but will consume algae and other plant life and even other
lobsters. |
Bees on the Move
A truckload of migrant bees hits the highway en route to its next stop in some fortunate farmer’s field.The pollinators are essential for the growth of so many fruits, nuts, and vegetables that bees like these are shipped across the country for the job. But the mysterious colony collapse disorder has decimated U.S. bee populations and left hives in short supply—turning survivors into road warriors who must work ever harder to keep up with demand..Some experts fear that trucking bees unduly stresses the animals and may speed the transmission of harmful mites and viruses, exacerbating the worrisome honeybee decline. |
Dunajec Breach
A farmer in Poland’s Dunajec Breach grazes his sheep on pastureland that is now many feet under water. This photo, taken in 1987, shows the dam-in-progress (center right) that nearly a decade later would turn this valley into a tranquil lake. Lofty Niedzica Castle (center top) now boasts waterfront property. |