The rooftop of Barcelona’s Casa Milà exhibits the eclectic style of Spanish architect Antoni Gaudí. Seven distinct properties built in and around Barcelona offer many different delights but represent the singular vision of one man—architect Antoni Gaudí...Gaudí’s creative genius—and the curves, shapes, and ornamentations it produced—literally changed the face of architecture and building technology during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Gaudí recognized the formal order inherent in most architecture before his time—and deliberately turned it upside down. As a result his buildings seem strikingly unique and almost surreal even after a century.
A tiger swallowtail caterpillar, Papilio glaucus, weaves a web to close itself into a leaf for protection..
Wood Stork, Brazil
Photograph by Joel Sartore. Wood storks are tall, white denizens of freshwater or brackish wetlands and swamps. They can be identified by their long legs, featherless heads, and prominent bills. These storks fish with an unusual but effective method: Opening their bills underwater, they wait for a fish to pass by, then snap!, like a mousetrap, the bill is closed, and the fish is eaten..
Kung Fu, China
Leaping into the air, a student at Tagou, China’s largest martial arts school, practices the ancient art of Kung Fu. After learning the basics, students choose to specialize in a martial arts style based on their interests and physical ability. Teachers at the academy emphasize character, kung fu, and academics, with a little free time for basketball..